THE CTS March Yearling Sale is the second CTS sale of the year, otherwise known as Book Two. It was staged for the first time in 2012 with Kochka, Guiness, Rake’s Chestnut, Bravo Maya, Sea Cat and My Sanctuary among the sold lots.
A turnover of R24,853-million was realised in 2012 – that grew to a record R38,5-million in 2014 and stabilised at R28,2-million with fewer horses sold in 2015, though the average was a second-highest R118,138 per lot.
Sea Cat, R20,000 CTS Book 2 Purchase.
All the yearlings on this CTS auction are potential candidates for the two $500k races over 1200m and 1600m in January 2018 on the Investec Day Of Dreams.
The Roll Of Honour looks like this:
2012 Kochka – Gr1 Premier’s Champion Stakes , Champion 2yo Colt
2012 Guiness – Gr1 Gold Medallion
2013 Siren’s Call – Gr1 Fillies Classic & first CTS Million winner
2014 Seventh Plain – Gr1 Gold Medallion, Gr1 Golden Horseshoe, Champion 2yo Colt
2014 Illuminator – CTS Million Dollar winner
2014 Lauderdale – Gr1 Thekwini Stakes winner
Find the next top performer at Durbanville on Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 March. The Saturday Session, during which the first 75 lots will be sold, commences at 18:00 and on Sunday Lots 76-240 will pass through the ring, starting at 12:30.
You can view the catalogue online at